I love Seattle weather. I truly do. But there are times when I wonder just what is going on up there. Today was one of those days. It started out nice, with bright blue skies and warm spring sunshine. Five minutes later it's pouring down rain. Keep in mind that the sunshine and blue skies are still in effect. Another five minutes later, it starts hailing. Hard. Hard enough to make me wonder if I'm going to need a new windshield. Lighting and thunder makes me think that going outside to see if my ghetto-mobile is all right would be a bad idea. In a matter of minutes there is an inch of slush on the ground, and the hail stops. The backyard has temporarily become a winter wonderland. Being the mature individual that I am, I promptly starting throwing slush balls about. About ten minutes later, the robins are flying around and the deck is steaming from the sunshine. Ahh, spring in Seattle.
Don't look now, but I just noticed a smoking pool of molten metal in the driveway. I'm not sure the ghetto mobile is still there...
Ohhh, wow. Is that stream of water coming from your car? I sure hope that your car didn't get flooded from that open window! I also heard that toxic mold is very prevelent this time of year. Good luck!
Toxic, schmoxic...
will you be saying that when your skin starts to break out in hives and you have breathing problems? Will you laugh when the hazmat team has to come to get your car? Will you?!!!
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